Friday, September 23, 2016

Nutrition Nut: Smoothie Recipe

So many of you may be asking, What happened to "Weigh in Wednesdays"? Well, like with many challenges, I failed. I stopped working out, I started eating junk again, and it was a bad thing. However, as I've been growing into a adult-ier adult, I've been trying to live a healthier lifestyle. I re-downloaded MyFitnessPal, I've been eating better for about ten days now, and I've started working out either at home, or at 10Gym with my friend Addison, and I've been enjoying it.

I've resolved that working out to be 'skinny' isn't getting me anywhere. Now I'm working to have a healthier body that I am both happy and comfortable to live in.
That being said, I've started making smoothies to replace a few meals. It's quite nice when I don't feel like cooking, or when I'm not too hungry but I know I haven't reached my calorie goal yet. Today I'd like to share the recipe I've been using to make a quick, easy, and delicious smoothie.

What you'll need:
1 1/2 cups of Frozen Strawberry
1/2 cup of frozen broccoli
1 scoop of strawberry flavored Whey Protein
Water as needed
Optional 1/2 cup of Frozen Carrots (add 26 calories)
Optional 1/2 cup of Frozen Blueberry (add 40 Calories)

It's pretty self explanatory. You'll add all of your ingredients, then a bit of water and blend. You may have to add more water depending on how thick you want your smoothie. I usually add a little bit of water at a time until it has a tornado in the middle of the blender and the mixture looks smooth. Without the optional ingredients the smoothie is 295 calories. Not too bad for dinner!
I like this recipe because it's yummy while also being a good source of protein, vitamin A, vitamin C, and potassium.

Feel free to try it out and let me know how it turns out. Send me some recipes of your own. I'd love to see your creations!


P.S. For those of you who are curious, I recently weighed in at 179 lbs!

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