About the Author

I hate writing "About Me" pages. There is too much to say in a short time. Approximately 21 years ago my 17-year-old mother and 20-year-old father welcomed their most precious child into the world (ignore what the other six children tell you, I'm the best). Since then I've made it my mission to create a happy and fulfilling life for myself and those around me.
I consider myself a Christian woman, but I'm more focused on giving back to the world and the people in it than I am with reading the bible and going to church every Sunday. Maybe that makes me a bad Christian, but I feel like God gave us this big beautiful world and I want to see and experience it for all it has to offer. I want to see everything from Starbucks to Stonehenge.
I recently graduated from the University of Central Oklahoma in Edmond with a degree in Professional media. The way I see it, I have the opportunity to explore all of Oklahoma before I get to travel and explore everywhere else. However I don't just want to experience places. I also want to experience things and activities. For example, in high school I picked up knitting. Why? I'm not 100% sure, but it was fun and interesting to learn. Maybe I never knitted an entire afghan, but I can say I learned how and it was and adventure doing so.
I guess the best way to sum me up is I'm a former college student, a doggy mother, a fantastic roommate, a photographer, a coffee lover, a rain-puddle-jumper, and an occasionally basic b*tch. Follow me on all my adventures as I explore the world around me!
This blog is my way of sharing my exciting, or lack of exciting, life and experiences.