Thursday, November 26, 2015

#TBTAdventure: NSLC in D.C. part 1

First off: Happy Thanksgiving!


When I was in High School I received a letter in the mail inviting me to attend the National Student Leadership Conference in Washington D.C.

My first reaction was "Oh my Gosh! I'm a leader and they want me to go!"
Then I thought "This is probably a scam...."
Then I did some research and thought "Oh this seems really legit and I want to go."
Then I thought "Oh it costs HOW MUCH?!?!?"
Then "Well it was a cool thought while it lasted."

I brought it up to my parents later that day, telling them exactly those thoughts, and they came to a similar conclusion but also mentioned that if I really wanted to do it I could probably find a way.

That was enough for me. I set out to make it happen. At this time I was a part of a program called Give Back America in my hometown that worked to give educational opportunities to students in low-income families. We met every week to study and prepare for exams and college applications.

In this program, each student was paired with a "Silent Angel" that would support them and help guide them along their journey. I would like to point out that I would have never gotten this opportunity without the help of this organization or my Silent Angel. They donated $1,000 of the money I needed and the company they worked for donated another $1000 and I only had to raise $1,500 on my own.

I was also helped by my friends and family. I didn't have much in the way of professional attire so my family helped donate and find me items to wear to the conference. Lastly, I had a friend whose father worked at Southwest Airlines and they were able to get me my plane tickets on standby for free.

When I was finally set to go I pulled an all-nighter packing and went to the airport the next day. I had never flown on an airplane before so I was mildly anxious and extremely excited. I spent the whole time looking out the window and talking to flight attendants.

When we finally arrived at Dulles International Airport in D.C. the real fun began. I couldn't afford a cab so I had to learn the bus routes and find my way to American University alone. Unfortunately my dad's girlfriend, Tiffany, had to leave me at the airport because she was set to fly back to Oklahoma. I got on a bus and waited anxiously for my next bus stop that would lead me to a subway station that would lead me to Tinley Town nearby the University. From there I simply had to catch a shuttle that would take me to the residence hall I was to stay in.

Finally rain drenched and watery-eyed I arrived at the residence hall. I was a couple of hours late for check in, but the office assistants checked me in anyway and even ordered me pizza. The other students were on a boat ride and wouldn't be back for a few hours.

From there I sat in my room, eating and setting up my things, and I waited to meet my roommates and for what the next day would bring us.

Stay tuned for Part 2!!!

Friday, November 20, 2015

A Radio Farewell

Aryn and I on our final show

As you may know, I'm a college student (shocking I know!) and I've been studying the last three and a half years to work in the world of Mass Communications. When I tell people that, they always respond with "Oh, what are you going to do with that?"

Hahahaha..... I don't know.

BUT! I do know that I enjoy working on the radio. I interned last summer at a radio station in my hometown, and this semester I was a personality on 99.3 Ucentral Radio in Edmond. It was our first semester having a low-power FM station and I was honored to be the first voice heard on air.

As the semester went on I worked on Wednesday afternoons with my co-host, Aryn. We talked about a variety of things from Halloween costumes, movies, food, and the world around us. It was amazing because we worked well together and I think we both learned a bit talking to each other.

This was my first time being a large part of a show on an FM radio station. Unfortunately our last show was this past week. We talked about how we are preparing for the holiday season and said our final good-byes on-air.

I think I'll continue to work with radio. It makes me happy and I've gotten so much more comfortable in front of the microphone. I am glad I got to have this experience, and I hope that my future in radio is full of exciting experiences to come.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Essentials to Get Through Finals Week

I can't believe its been so long since my last post. Such is life i guess, you get busy and stop thinking about things that you actually enjoy. I don't expect my life to get any less busy in the next few weeks, but hopefully I can finish out this dragging semester with my sanity intact.
That being said, I've got finals week right around the corner. This week is nearly half over, next week is Thanksgiving break, then we have Dead Week, and then Finals week! I'm ready to wrap up this semester and begin my final stretch towards graduation.
But.... Before it's all over we've got to get through Finals week. It's a dreaded time in every student's life whether you're in high school or college, so here are a few things that help me get through the test-ridden time of torture.

1.) Spotify

I was reluctant to try Spotify at first. I kept telling myself "No Pandora is where it's at and I don't need Spotify." I ended up giving in after I got hired as a Resident Assistant. We work desk from time to time and the Spotify app was already installed on the desk computer. I got bored; I started listening.
Now I don't used Pandora at all. I have playlists for music I like and the pre-created playlists help me discover new music, while being able to focus on my homework.

2.) Legal Pads

I know many people use notebooks the keep everything organized, but for some reason I do so much better with legal pads. Maybe it's because I don't have to worry about the spiral cutting into my hand while I write.

3.) Pacifica Tuscan Blood Orange Lotion

Again, this may just be me, but after hours of studying and sifting through piles and piles of papers, my hands get dry and I hate that feeling. I first tried this lotion in an Ipsy bag and I loved it! It smells amazing and it does a great job moisturizing without making me feel all greasy.

4.) Softlips Cube

This is another product that I absolutely NEED this time of year. Fall Semester finals happen closer to Winter and the last thing I want to worry about is chapped painful lips while I'm knee deep in my existential quarter life crisis.

5.) Coffee

No one should be shocked here. One of my favorite Finals week pastimes is going to IHOP with a few friends, drinking 6 cups of coffee between midnight and 4AM, and catching up on everything I've put off for the last 2 weeks. Granted, I generally end up with a messed up sleep cycle and shaking hands but I really enjoy the time to spend with my friends and it gets me away from campus (I get stir crazy).

I'm ready to get this semester over with. Let me know what your favorite finals week essentials are! Maybe I can shake up my routines this year. Enjoy your finals and Study hard adventurers!